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Seven Things You Must Share On Your About Page

Get your About page copy right and you’re guaranteed to drive more leads and more growth.

As a service-based business, your About page is the most important piece of copy you’ll ever write.

One look at your Google Analytics will show you that this is one of the most-visited pages on your website.

That's because, at the earliest stages of the customer journey, potential clients head straight there to see whether you're the right people to solve their problem and whether you’d work well together.

Get this page right and they're more likely to enquire – driving more leads and more growth for your business.

With that in mind, here are the seven things you must include if you want to get your About page working for you.

#1) Share your relevance

The first thing your visitor needs to know is that they're in the right place. So, always open your About page by talking about the kind of work you do and who you do it for, and a little bit about why you do it.

_Aka, your value proposition._

You can amplify this by empathising with the challenges and aspirations that your clients care about most, showing an awareness of the path that brought them here and how you’ll help with the next step in their journey.

#2) Share your brilliance

If you don’t want your potential customer to browse on by, you have to communicate your difference in a meaningful way and in a way that’s markedly different to your competitors.

This article on [bottling your brilliance]( "") should help with that.

The trick is to lead with one thing you excel at, make that your foundation and build your messaging from there. Hint: that one thing is probably the reason your current clients love working with you.

#3) Share meaningful facts

Your potential clients also want to know you’re experts. The information you share about yourself, your background and your career journey should reveal you’re people to be trusted, as well as emphasise who you are as a business and what matters to you.

Talk about places you may have been featured or things you've done that they’ll care about; big milestones, key clients, press coverage, awards, conferences you’ve spoken at etc. It all adds up.

#4) Share what others say

What someone else says about your service or product is twice as believable and therefore twice as valuable as what you say about yourself.

That’s why endorsements from satisfied clients and industry experts are worth their weight in gold when it comes to building trust.

If you don’t have these on hand, or the ones you have are getting on in years, these [testimonial scripts]( "") will help you ask for them the right way.

#5) Share how to buy from you

When you've created an elegant About page that shows why you're different and boosts your authority by sharing some great facts about your business, don't leave money on the table without telling people how they can hire you.

It’s amazing how often we forget to do this.

#6) Share some personality

When we work in service businesses, people want to know that they're going to work with like-minded people that they get along with.

So don’t just share what you do or how you do it, but weave in your personality and values too. This is as much about repelling the wrong clients as it is attracting the right ones.

Often companies do this by sharing their culture, company stats and quirky team pages but however you do it, make sure it truly reflects who you are.

#7) And finally, ask people to do something

Every piece of copy needs a call to action, and the About page is no different. Although it feels like a standalone page, it doesn't sit in a vacuum.

So, think about what you want people to do after they’ve read it? Then invite them to do it.

Here are just a few ideas: sign up for email updates, register for an online course or book a timeslot to speak with you.

# To sum up

The job of your About page is simple – prove you’re uniquely qualified to help your client in the ways that most matter to them and invite them to work with you.

That’s what will turn a casual visit into an enquiry and what will help turn your business into a meaningful, sought-after brand.


_Need a hand putting the steps into practice? Want to dig deeper into your values and get total clarity on communicating your difference? We'd be thrilled to help._

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