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Should You Niche Your Brand, Or Not?

In our experience, nobody really wants to pick a niche for their business or brand.

In our experience, nobody really wants to pick a niche for their business or brand.

In fact, it’s a topic that seems to get people in a monumental flap.

As an aside, ‘niche’ is also a really weird word to say over and over again, as Anna discovers in the video above! It’s pretty odd to type too…

Whilst we all know that (alas) ‘every human being ever’ isn’t a target market, the idea of ruling out working with particular groups of people because they don’t fit the niche feels a bit uncomfortable, vaguely discriminatory even.

And hey, we all like variety.

The good news is we believe you can have it all. You don’t have to pick a niche for your services that means you need ever turn away a client.

However, what you do need to do is niche your marketing message.

If you don’t, the likelihood is you’ll end up trying to talk to everyone and actually resonating with no-one.

Your best clients have more in common than you think…

You may well have a niche without even knowing about it.

Consider the following questions:

-Who have been my favourite clients?

-Why did I particularly enjoy working with them?

Chances are, even if on the surface they seem very different in terms of industry, there will be a common personality type or trait that holds them together.

-Perhaps you work best with entrepreneurial, fast-moving individuals or companies?

-Maybe you really gel with creatives?

-Or are methodical, detail-orientated clients your thing?

Using psychographics like this is a fantastic starting point for how to speak to ‘your’ people in your marketing.

Niche your message…

There are a lot of ways to niche down your messaging, but one of our favourites is to segment out your perfect clients, create a landing page for your chosen segment on your site and devote a few months at a time to them.

Why not niche your social media platforms too?

For example, you may decide that your Facebook account will focus on small businesses, LinkedIn is the place for corporate clients, and so on.

Play around with it- there are no ‘wrong’ ways of narrowing these audiences down and nurturing them.

Ultimately, there are so many ways to get smart with your marketing that don’t mean refusing to work with anyone but one particular sort of client.

If you’ve still got niche-related niggles, or need some guidance with working out just what the heck your clients have in common, we’d love to hear from you.

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