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What Makes You Different? Go Fight For It

What you fight for can be the only difference you can defend.

I met Nellie through a friend of a friend. We were making the usual small talk when she dropped casually into the conversation that she was catching a flight to Belfast that night.

“What are doing?” I asked.

“I’m going to have a fight” she replied.

I stared at her, puzzled. But she was deadly serious.

No, she isn’t a boxer. Or a Karate Blackbelt. But she is paid to fight for a living (as well as jump from high places and drive burning cars). She’s a stunt performer and yes, she has some great stories to tell.

But do you know what one of the most interesting things she told me was?

There are only **50** stuntwomen in the UK.

Can you imagine? I don’t know for certain, but I suspect it’s unlikely you have fewer than 50 competitors in your area, no matter how niche you are (and I'm guessing you never end up in a dustup with them either).

But seriously, aren’t there hundreds, thousands, possibly even millions of people out there in your field, doing what you do?

And isn’t that number growing all the time?

Our world is now over-supplied, and once sought-after services and products are now mere commodities. During the dot com boom you might have paid £20,000 for a design agency to create a website; now you can have one for free.

Thankfully, not everything changes. One thing, will never, ever, change…

### There’s still only one you.

Only you have the experience you have.

Only you have the story that’s yours.

If you’re struggling to compete, it may be because you’re struggling to articulate that difference.

If you’re focusing on what makes your products or your people or your process unique then you’re looking in the wrong place; the competition has them too.

It’s in **what you stand for** that your true difference can be found and can be felt, by everyone who comes into contact with you or your business.

So, what do you believe? Why do you exist? What is it you’d fight for?

### Now...go fight for it.

_PS- Not sure how to answer the questions above? Want to really get to grips with what makes you so special? Talk to me, I'd love to help._

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