If there’s one tip I can people for differentiating your business, it’s this: don’t focus on your service first.
Focus more on your personal mission up-front, then and only then, talk about what you do.
Your mission or ‘why’ is what people buy.
But the funny thing is, people also buy what you’re not, what you won’t do and what you’re against.
I was fascinated to read in last year’s Design Business Association ‘What Clients Think’ report that 68% of winning pitches went against the brief in some way”. Fascinating, right?
Turns out, clients love it when you have a strong opinion, have the confidence to point out what they may have missed and to take a stand against something.
In this video I give you some prompts to start thinking about your why not.
The good news is that in most cases, this is FAR easier than finding your why.
You can pick up more ideas in my blog post on ‘Finding Your Why Not’
Let me know, did this resonate with you and does this match with your experience?
Until next time,
Anna x